Grenoble Geomechanics Newsletter-no.21

This is the 21th edition of the GéoMécanique newsletter. It was desperately expected by many since the last issue was in November 2017. As usual it contains the latest news regarding research publications, conference visits and other activities of the staff and students from the GéoMécanique group of Laboratoire 3SR (Sols, Solides, Structures – Risques). This time, however, it is not prepared and conveyed to you by Chao Yuan (see “People” section).

If you have something you want to share, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: geomecanique.newsletter|AT| Please feel free to forward the letter to colleagues and friends, and let them know that they can subscribe by themselves here. Enjoy.

We are proud of our new official group photo


Chao Yuan left the lab after five years of good research. He is now in Calgary as a Post-Doc in the group of Richard Wan, and continuously trying to make progresses in the modeling of multiphase problems – without freezing. Word of the PhD director B. Chareyre: “I miss him BADLY! Why did he leave?”.
Chao was managing this Newsletter since the first issue and for this alone he deserves many thanks. Ciao Chao.

Frédéric Donzé moved from the group and from Laboratoire 3SR to go next-door to ISTerre, taking Alexandra Tsopela with him for more géo-adventures.

Eleni Stavropoulou joined the Geomechanics Team as a Post-Doc working with Christophe Dano on the interface behaviour of soft rocks and grout applied to off-shore piles design.

Honors, Awards and Invitations

Bruno Chareyre will give a keynote lecture at the 2nd Yet Another Discrete Element Workshop. The workshop is organized at Irstea Aix en Provence by Jérôme Duriez, a former student and PDoc of our group. This workshop will be the second opportunity for the international Yade community to gather physically, following the first workshop in Grenoble.


Khaddour G., Riedel I., Andò E., Charrier P., Bésuelle P., Desrues J., Viggiani G., Salager S. (2018) – Grain scale characterization of water retention behavior of sand using x-ray CT. Acta Geotechnica, January 2018.

Jeanne published a paper in Géotechnique Letters Doreau-Malioche J., Combe G., Viggiani G., Toni J.B. (2018) – Shaft friction changes for cyclically loaded displacement pile: an x-ray investigation. Géotechnique Letters, accepted January 2018.

Visits and conferences

José Andrade and Shilpa Joy from Caltech visited us at the end of January to watch ants digging tunnels in granular media with x-ray tomography — more news soon!

Jelke Dijkstra was back from Chalmers University for a month visit which included another experiment at the ESRF synchrotron.

Dr. Zeynep Karatza from the University of Edinburgh visited us for a week in February to perform some experiments in the x-ray machine and gave a talk “A study of temporal and spatial evolution of deformation and breakage of dry granular materials using x-ray computed tomography and the discrete element method”.

Giacomo Russo from the University of Cassino gave a seminar entitled “Multi-scale analysis of chemo-hydro-mechanical response of fine grained treated soils”.

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