Grenoble Geomechanics Newsletter-no.9

The 9th edition of the GéoMécanique newsletter is brought to you by Chao Yuan. It contains the latest news regarding research publications, conference visits and other activities of the staff and students from the GéoMécanique group of Laboratoire 3SR (Sols, Solides, Structures – Risques). If you have something you want to share, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: Please feel free to forward the letter to colleagues and friends, and let them know that they can subscribe by themselves here. Enjoy.


Two articles concerning the constitutive modeling of geomaterials have been published in the French encyclopedia of technology “Techniques de l’Ingénieur” entitled:

written by Félix Darve and Luc Sibille.

Visits and conferences

The last workshop of the CNRS research group on multi-physics and multi-scale couplings in geo-environmental mechanics (GDR MeGe) took place in Grenoble on 21-22 January 2016. It was organized jointly by our 3SR Lab. and the IRSTEA. About 50 persons participated in this event coming from the University of La Rochelle, Ecole Centrale Nantes, University of Picardie, Ecole Centrale Lyon, BRGM, ENTPE, INSA Lyon, Universities of Molise and Tor Vergata (Italy), and of course IRSTEA, Grenoble Institute of Technology, and Grenoble Alpes University. Presentations were covering granular soils, rocks and concretes, through advanced experimental approaches, and multi-scale and fluid-solid coupled numerical methods. Both constitutive behaviour defined at material point and structure responses to external loadings were addressed.

Cino Viggiani and Eddy Andò are in the 3xV conference in Naples, chairing the “Advanced experimental Geomechanics” session and presenting “Tomography: access to grain-scale processes in geomaterials” respectively.


We welcome Alessandro Tengattini back to Grenoble as a PostDoc on our project to build a high-resolution neutron imaging instrument for porous media at the ILL in Grenoble, more news soon!


Prof. Constantino TSALLIS (from the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) will talk about: “What can we do when Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy and statistical mechanics fail?”.
When & where: Wednesday 9 of March at 2:30 pm, amphi K118, LEGI

Dr. Ignacio Gonzalez Tejada (who ends his postdoctoral stay in 3SR) will talk about: “Characterization of solid particle transport in granular media by seepage flow: from micro-hydromechanical modeling to continuous description”.
When & where: Thursday 17th of March at 2:00 pm, amphi K118, LEGI

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