Grenoble Geomechanics Newsletter-no.8

The 8th edition of the GéoMécanique newsletter is brought to you by Chao Yuan. It contains the latest news regarding research publications, conference visits and other activities of the staff and students from the GéoMécanique group of Laboratoire 3SR (Sols, Solides, Structures – Risques). If you have something you want to share, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: Please feel free to forward the letter to colleagues and friends, and let them know that they can subscribe by themselves here. Enjoy.

Honors, Awards and Invitations

Professor Dal Pont Stefano has been awarded the “2014 Materials and Structures Best Reviewer”.


The paper entitled “Experimental Validation of a Nonextensive Scaling Law in Confined Granular Media”, by Gaël Combe, Vincent Richefeu, Marta Stasiak, and Allbens P. F. Atman, has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. (full paper).

The paper entitled “Pore-scale simulations of drainage in granular materials: finite size effects and the representative elementary volume”, by Chao Yuan, Bruno Chareyre and Félix Darve, has been accepted recently in Advances in Water Resources. (Available online)

Research projects

The Van Gogh program awarded a grant to the project entitled “Microscale modelling of single-phase and two-phase flow in deforming porous media”. It will support people exchanges between 3SR and the Hydrology group of Utrecht University.

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