Grenoble Geomechanics Newsletter-no.27

This is the 27th edition of the GéoMécanique newsletter. This new edition contains the latest news regarding research publications, conference visits and other activities of the staff and students from the GéoMécanique group of Laboratoire 3SR (Sols, Solides, Structures – Risques). If you have something you want to share, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: . Please feel free to forward the letter to colleagues and friends, and let them know that they can subscribe by themselves here. Enjoy


Journées du Laboratoire 2019” took place on the 3th & 4th of June at Golf de Charmeil and were organized by Floriana Anselmucci, Maria-Celeste Blasone, Thanos Papazouglou, Mireille Pfister and François Villette. The first day included 6 PhD presentations, a chocolate talk given by Madame Jouvenale (we learned about the different type of cacao and had the chance to taste some chocolates) and the general assembly. During the second day we had a short video done by the master students in which they introduced their work. After that, Edward Andò, Emmanuel Roubin and Olga Stamati gave a short introduction about the Python package “Software for the Practical Analysis of Materials” (SPAM). We concluded the “Journées du Laboratoire 2019” with Madame Etay, who talked about “La Mécanique et les femmes”.

Two PhD presentations from our team were included in the program:

  • FEM Modelling of the Behaviour of Rigid Monopile Foundation under Combined Loading” by Ritesh Gupta.

  • A brief introduction to probabilistic analysis of geotechnical engineering and a case study” by Xiangfeng Guo.


Visits and conferences

Eduard Puig Montellà has participated in the InterPore 11th Annual Meeting which took place in Valencia from May 6th to 10th 2019. He gave a talk on ”Pore-network – lattice Boltzmann method hybrid model for multiphase flow“

The “Granular Matter Across Scales” workshop was held in Leiden (Netherlands), 18 – 22 March 2019. Our group delivered the following talks:

  • Edward Andò gave a keynote lecture entitled “Experimental micro-mechanics of granular media with tomography: current capabilities and challenges”.
  • Félix Darve gave a keynote lecture entitled “Three DEM contributions to geomechanics basics”.

Some members of 3SR attended the invited session “Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media” at the International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, in Sitges on June 3-5, 2019. Our group gave the following talks:

  • Concrete behaviour at high temperature: a combined numerical and experimental approach by the aid of neutron imaging” was presented by Stefano Dal Pont.

  • “A Hybrid multiphase model based on lattice Boltzmann method direct simulations” by Eduard Puig Montellà.


On May 23, Véronique Dansereau presented her work entitled “the deformation and drift of sea ice” at the 3SR seminars. She has been in post-doc in the team since March 2019, for a period of 12 months, to work on the subject of the variability of mechanical properties as part of a double scale squarred FEM modelling for clay rocks.

David Garcia gave a 3SR seminar about his research on numerical simulations of non spherical breakable grains.

Vincent Richefeu defended his HDR entitled “(Géo-)mécanique discrète” the 7th of June.


William Chèvremont(*), Bruno Chareyre and Hugues Bodiguel (*) published “Quantitative study of the rheology of frictional suspensions: Influence of friction coefficient in a large range of viscous numbers” in Physical Review Fluids.

(*) Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés

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