Grenoble Geomechanics Newsletter-no.12

The 12th edition of the GéoMécanique newsletter is brought to you by Chao Yuan. It contains the latest news regarding research publications, conference visits and other activities of the staff and students from the GéoMécanique group of Laboratoire 3SR (Sols, Solides, Structures – Risques). If you have something you want to share, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: Please feel free to forward the letter to colleagues and friends, and let them know that they can subscribe by themselves here. Enjoy.


The paper “A FE2 modelling approach to hydromechanical coupling in cracking-induced localization problems“, by van den Eijnden A.P., Bésuelle P., Collin F., Chambon R., is available online on International Journal of Solids and Structures.

The paper “Micromechanical modelling of rainsplash erosion in unsaturated soils by Discrete Element Method“, by Sabatino Cuomo, Bruno Chareyre, Pietro d’Arista, Maria Della Sala, and Leonardo Cascini, appeared recently in CATENA. It follows, namely, the master thesis of Pietro, which was co-supervised by Sabatino and Bruno.

The paper “Modeling the strain localization around an underground gallery with a hydro-mechanical double scale model; effect of anisotropy“, by van den Eijnden A.P., Bésuelle P., Collin F., Chambon R., Desrues J. is available online on Computers and Geotechnics.

The paper “A new true triaxial cell for field measurements on rock specimens and its use in the characterization of strain localization on a Vosges sandstone during a plane strain compression test“, by Bésuelle P., Lanatà P. is available online on Geotechnical Testing Journal.

Research projects

The project “SegSed” has been selected by French ANR in the 2016 call (category “collaborative research”). The project focus on segregation in sediment transport. It is coordinated by Philippe Frey (IRSTEA Grenoble). B. Chareyre is a project participant in relation with coupled DEM-fluid simulations.

Visits and conferences

Giulia Guida, Francesca Casini, Alberto Guidi and Giulia Viggiani came to 3SR for a week of experiments, crushing LECA particles in oedometric compression using x-ray tomography, here are a few of us discussing the first results.


During the month of July, Simon Salager spent one week in the University of Salerno to continue the collaboration between our group and the one of Sabatino Cuomo. This visit was dedicated to work on the collapsible behavior of pyroclastic soil subjected to wetting. The stay and the travel was supported by a PHC Galileo. In the framework of the same project Mariagiovanna Moscariello will visit us in the autumn.


A rock-folding outcrop was found by Timos during summer vacation in Greece (with 3SR T-shirt promo).  :)


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